2016 Commissioned by Standing Wave Ensemble. The work was premiered by Standing Wave Ensemble at the Roundhouse Theatre, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada on 08 November 2016.
Flute, Clarinet (double; Bb and Eb), percussion, piano, violin, cello


10 minutes

Sandman’s Realm

(for chamber ensemble)

Sandman’s Realm was a work created as an outgrowth of my solo tam-tam piece Sandman’s Castle. In Castle, I tried to explore as many sonic and expressive possibilities as I could from the tam-tam instrument. From those results, I decided to apply them into the creation of a chamber work as an attempt to extend the tam-tam’s sonic palette to other instruments. The result is a work that captures a mystical journey through the world of dreams as expressed by a chamber ensemble with the tam-tam serving as the sonic foundation.